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时间:2024-08-15 作者:德州APP推荐网_HHpoker官网_德州俱乐部 来源:cgmx.61koalas.com 阅读:0

1.Dear. When thinking of you some happiness. Well some sad. 浜茬埍鐨?鎯宠咯鐨勬椂鍊欐湁浜涘垢绂?骞哥鐨勬湁浜涢毦杩囥€?/p>


3.Youre always smiling just from me.浣犳€诲湪绗戝彧鏄粠涓嶅鎴戙€?/p>

4.Have you told me i was you.now who are you all銆?鏇剧粡浣犺鎴戞槸浣犵殑涓€鍒囥€傞偅鐜板湪璋佸張鏄綘鐨勪竴鍒囥€?/p>

5.Time wont go back I wont turn back.鏃跺厜涓嶄細鍊掔潃璧?鎴戜篃涓嶄細鍐嶅洖澶淬€?/p>

6.want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.鎯宠鍐嶈鎰夸负鏃朵笉杩溿€傛垜鍧氫俊浣犺兘鍚銆?/p>

7.You are my most adventure youth dream鈥斺€斾綘鏄垜骞村皯鏃舵渶鍐掗櫓鐨勬ⅵ

8.Listen To My Heart You Can Feel My Love.鑱嗗惉鎴戠殑蹇?浣犺兘鎰熷彈鍒版垜鐨勭埍銆?/p>

9.Your world did not if I was clean.浣犵殑涓栫晫娌′簡鎴戞槸涓嶆槸娓呭噣浜嗚澶?/p>

10.Love remained short, but the memory lasts long.鐖遍偅涔堢煭,閬楀繕閭d箞闀裤€?/p>

11.we accept the love we think we deserve. 璁や负鍊煎緱 鎵€浠ユ帴鍙?杩欏氨鏄埍鎯呫€?/p>

12.never fond even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 浠庢病鎵惧埌褰撲綘瀛ゅ崟鐨勬椂鍊?鍥犱负浣犳牴鏈氨涓嶇煡閬撹皝鍦ㄥ悗闈㈢瓑浣犮€?/p>

13.Those have most power to hurt us, that we love.鎴戜滑鎵€鐖辩殑浜?鍗存渶鍏锋湁浼ゅ鎴戜滑鐨勫姏閲忋€?/p>

14.Acpany me to go to the future from a friend to bee an old friend.闄垜璧板埌浠ュ悗 浠庣煡宸卞彉鎴愯€佸弸銆?/p>

15.Just a pity you there not shelter really have nowhere to my youth. 鍙彲鎯滀綘閭i噷涓嶆槸鏀跺鎵€ 鏃犲瀹夋斁鎴戠殑闈掓槬銆?/p>

16.I hope to find someone who looks at me the way I look at the stars. I hope to be someones night sky. 鎴戝笇鏈涘彲浠ユ壘鍒拌繖鏍蜂竴涓汉,浠栫湅鎴戠殑鏍峰瓙,灏卞儚鎴戠湅鏄熸槦鐨勬椂鍊欎竴鏍枫€傛垜甯屾湜鍙互鎴愪负濂圭殑澶滅┖銆?/p>

17.I dont know how to love you.Looking at you is the only way I know. 涓嶇煡閬?濡備綍鐖变綘,鐪嬬潃浣?鏄垜鍞竴鐨勬柟寮忋€?/p>

18.My life to live for you.鎴戠殑鐢熷懡涓轰綘鑰屾椿鐫€銆?/p>

19.No matter how much I feel lost and hesitated now銆侷 need to live the way I want at last銆?/p>

20.I am alwayswaiting for you,for your turning around. 鎴戜竴鐩村湪绛変綘,灏辩瓑浣犱竴涓浆韬€?/p>

21.Get busy living or get busy dying.瑕佷箞濂藉ソ娲荤潃,瑕佷箞璧剁揣

22.I am on my way to future, where you are there鈥斺€旀垜瑕佸幓鏈変綘鐨勬湭鏉?/p>

23.ever tried. ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail betterNo matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. You are the one I want to grow old with. 鎴戞効涓庝綘鐧藉ご鍒板ご

24.I just want to go back to the days where we鈥檇 talk about everything. 鎴戝彧鎯冲洖鍒拌繃鍘绘棤璇濅笉璋堢殑鏃ュ瓙銆?/p>


26.I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love.鎴戝彧鑳界埍浣犱竴娆?鍥犱负鎴戝彧鏈変竴娆″畬鏁寸殑鐖便€?/p>

27.You find your sunshine, I was left alone sad. 浣犳壘鍒颁簡浣犵殑闃冲厜,鎴戝嵈浠嶅湪鐙嚜蹇т激銆?/p>

28.鎴戜粠鏉ヤ笉鑷娆轰汉銆傛垜鍙湅鐪熷疄銆侷 never told you. I only see the truth.


30.Silence for too long, even take the initiative to need courage.褰兼娌夐粯澶箙灏辫繛涓诲姩閮介渶瑕佸媷姘斻€?/p>

31.Im a slow walker, but I never walk back.鎴戣蛋寰椾笉蹇?浣嗗喅涓嶈蛋鍥炲ご璺€?/p>

32.Dont hold the past too tight, because you have not make moves to embrace now銆侴ood morning!鍒皢杩囧幓鎶辩殑澶揣,鍥犱负閭f牱浣犲氨鑵句笉鍑烘墜鏉ユ嫢鎶辩幇鍦ㄤ簡銆傛棭瀹?

33.You love or not love me, know the time浣犵埍涓嶇埍鎴?鏃跺厜瀹冪煡閬?/p>

34.This season is very clean, there is no story without you.杩欎釜瀛h妭寰堝共鍑€,娌℃湁鏁呬簨娌℃湁浣犮€?/p>

35.I dont want to see you marry another man.

36.Maybe people have always lost look very pale in fact also sad when you lose.鎴栬鎷ユ湁鐨勪汉鎬绘槸鎶婂け鍘荤湅寰楀緢娣″叾瀹炰綘澶卞幓鏃朵篃浼氬績鐥涚殑銆?/p>


38.Treasure this day and treasure yourself because neither will ever happen again鈥斺€旂弽鎯滄椂鍏?鐝嶆儨浣犺嚜宸便€?/p>

39.Sometimes it is better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.鏈夋椂鍊?瀛ゅ崟涓€涓汉鍙嶈€屾洿濂?娌′汉浼ゅ寰椾簡浣犮€?/p>

40.Im afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone.鎴戞€曟垜鎶撲笉浣忎綘,鐣欎笅鎴戜竴涓汉瀛ょ嫭銆?/p>

41.Love you, don鈥檛 need a reason; don鈥檛 like you, anything can be a reason. 鐖变綘,涓嶉渶瑕佺悊鐢?涓嶅枩娆綘,浠€涔堥兘鍙互鎴愪负鐞嗙敱銆?/p>

42.You must think youre luckier than many people.浣犺鐩镐俊浣犳瘮璁稿浜洪兘骞歌繍銆?/p>

43.Some memories, even if the pain, but still want to remember, because at that time the better.鏈変簺鍥炲繂,鍗充娇鐥涜嫤,鍗翠粛瑕佽浣?鍙洜閭f椂鐨勭編濂姐€?/p>

44.I find it suddenly,sometimes itd be precious happiness if nothing is changing.绐佺劧鍙戠幇,鑳藉涓嶅彉,鏈夋椂鍊欏氨鏄竴绉嶆渶闅惧緱鐨勫垢绂忋€?/p>

45.Good morning! The clouds in the sky are so white. I hope your mood is as white as the clouds.鏃╁畨!澶╀笂鐨勪簯濂芥磥鐧?甯屾湜浣犵殑蹇冩儏涔熷鐧戒簯涓€鑸€?/p>

46.My moon and my light. 鎴戠殑鏈堜寒鎴戠殑鍏夈€?/p>

47.you have no faults except to love me. 浣犻櫎浜嗕笉鐖辨垜,娌℃湁缂虹偣銆?/p>

48.Miss as miss, miss read as offering, the chief read do not read.鎯冲康涓嶅鎬€蹇?鎬€蹇典笉濡傜キ蹇?绁康涓嶅涓嶅康銆?/p>

49.As long as you have a dream, life will be beautiful.鍙蹇冩€€姊︽兂,浜虹敓缁堜細婕備寒銆?/p>

50.Not crave forever,because too far. 涓嶅ア姹傛案杩?鍥犱负澶繙銆?/p>

51.I want to acpany you to a lot of places, and finally became a distant distant.鎴戞兂闄綘鍘诲緢澶氬湴鏂?鏈€鍚庨兘鎴愪簡閬ヤ笉鍙強鐨勮繙鏂广€?/p>

52.I never told you, I wanna hold you銆傛垜浠庢湭鍛婅瘔浣?鎴戞兂鎷ユ姳浣犮€?/p>

53.Because of you , so i madness .鍥犱负鏈変綘,鎵€浠ユ垜鐤媯銆?/p>

54.Haven meet you for such a long time, i will miss you濂戒箙涓嶈浜?鎴戜細鎯冲康浣?


56.im so happy with you in this starry night銆傚湪杩欑箒鏄熼棯鐑佺殑澶滄櫄,璺熶綘鍦ㄤ竴璧烽潪甯稿揩涔愩€?/p>

57.You will never understand why I have that mighty proud. 浣犱滑姘歌繙涓嶆噦,鎴戜负浣曟嫢鏈変笉鍙竴涓栫殑楠勫偛銆?/p>

58.When I wake up every morning,the greatest joy is gazing upon you and sunshine,that is the future I desire.姣忓ぉ鏃╀笂閱掓潵,鏈€澶х殑鎰夋偊灏辨槸鐪嬪埌浣犲拰闃冲厜閮藉湪,杩欏氨鏄垜鎯宠鐨勬湭鏉ャ€?/p>

59.Bitch do not die a natural death.涓嶅緱濂芥銆?/p>

60.Want to know a person loving you, to see him and you have no vitality, it does not happy, there is love, there is no just do not love. 鎯崇煡閬撲竴涓汉鐖变笉鐖变綘,灏辩湅浠栧拰浣犲湪涓€璧锋湁娌℃湁娲诲姏,寮€涓嶅紑蹇?鏈夊氨鏄埍,娌℃湁灏辨槸涓嶇埍銆?/p>

61.I still believe in love I still believe in us鎴戜粛鐒剁浉淇$埍 鎴戜粛鐒剁浉淇℃垜浠?/p>

62.I like you, but I dare not say.鎴戝枩娆綘,浣嗘垜涓嶆暍璇淬€?/p>

63.A wise man never loses anything if he has hilf.鑱槑鐨勪汉鍙鑳芥帉鎻¤嚜宸?渚夸粈涔堜篃涓嶄細澶卞幓銆?/p>

64.As strong as your only option, you didnt know I can have more strong褰撳潥寮烘垚涓轰綘鍞竴鐨勯€夋嫨,浣犳墠鐭ラ亾鑷繁鍙互鏈夊鍧氬己銆?/p>

65.I always in the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful surprise鈥斺€旀垜鎬诲湪鏈€娣辩殑缁濇湜閲岄亣瑙佹渶缇庝附鐨勬儕鍠?/p>

66.Why should I wait for you.鍑粈涔堣鎴戠瓑浣犮€?/p>

67.I want to be more excellent, good to the things I want to e to me.鎴戞兂瑕佸彉寰楁洿浼樼,浼樼鍒版垜鎯宠鐨勪笢瑗块兘浼氭潵鎵炬垜銆?/p>

68.No matter how sad you may be,believe,that happiness is waiting銆?/p>

69.Happiness is a journey, not a destination.骞哥鏄竴涓梾绋?鑰屼笉鏄粓鐐广€?/p>

70.I would not say love, but I said is true.鎴戜笉浼氳鎯呰瘽,浣嗘垜璇寸殑閮芥槸鐪熷績璇濄€?/p>

71.If you are too greedy, you will find yourself unable to hold onto anything.涓嶈兘澶椽蹇?鍚﹀垯浠€涔堥兘鎶撲笉浣忋€?/p>

72.I don鈥檛 know how to love you銆侺ooking at you is the only way I know銆?/p>

73.You are the scenery of others but wet my eyes.浣犳槸鍒汉鐨勯鏅?鍗存箍浜嗘垜鐨勭溂鐫涖€?/p>

74.Brief is life, but love is long鈥斺€斿懡铏界煭,鐖卞嵈缁甸暱銆?/p>

75.The sandflass remembers the time we lost.娌欐紡璁板緱,鎴戜滑閬楀繕鐨勬椂鍏夈€?/p>

76.In some cases, to leave, but did not dare miss.鏈変簺鏃跺€?鎯崇寮€,鍗翠笉鏁㈤敊杩囥€?/p>

77.The people heart is too crowded.浜哄績澶嫢鎸ゃ€?/p>

78.I just put my mind ghost town guest a widow. 鎴戝彧鏄皢浣犳斁杩涙垜蹇冧腑鐨勭┖鍩?,瀹覆涓湭浜′汉.

79.Time is like a kaleidoscope, let your eyes lost direction. 鏃跺厜灏卞儚涓竾鑺辩瓛,璁╀綘鐨勭溂鐫涗涪澶辨柟鍚戙€?/p>

80.Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.鐖辨墍鏈変汉,淇′换灏戞暟浜?涓嶈礋浠讳綍浜恒€?/p>


82.Yesterday is today is memory,tomorrow is today is dream. 鏄ㄥぉ鍙槸浠婂ぉ鐨勮蹇?鏄庡ぉ鍗存槸浠婂ぉ鐨勬ⅵ鎯炽€?/p>

83.I love a happy ending, for they are so rare.鎴戝枩娆㈠畬缇庢敹灏?鍥犱负瀹冧滑濡傛闅惧緱銆?/p>

84.As long as you have a dream in your heart, you will be different.

85.Every Moment We Stay Together Stay In My Mind,Still Fantasy銆?姣忔椂姣忓埢,鍦ㄦ垜鐨勮剳娴烽噷浠嶇劧骞绘兂鎴戜滑寰呭湪涓€璧枫€?/p>
